Child Discipline & Energy Imprints

Jesse Martinez
5 min readJun 21, 2022

When you discipline a child, the goal is to energetically imprint within them a lesson, not a blockage.

(I do want to state upfront that it’s impossible for you to know what any moment is going to bring — it is not something you can ever control. We’re lucky if we can understand 5% of what is happening at any given moment in regard to energy, much less fully understanding another person’s mind, especially when we can’t fully understand our own.)

When you are in the presence of children, become focused on being compassionate with them, and not carrying within yourself a mean vibration.

It also helps if you can understand where their minds are at. In most cases when children are playing, they are in a state of joy. Their focus on that joy can be absolute, and quite blind to everything else around them.

When a child is in a state of joy, and that joy is disrupted when a sudden and harsh energy is unexpectedly directed at them, the vibration of that harsh energy is then embedded within their being. This happens for different reasons, but the number one reason is because the negativity came on very suddenly and unexpectedly, and therefore, no defense is set up against it. Additionally, when the energy is loud in volume, it only serves to embed it deeper.

